Spooky Town Figurine
Lost His Head

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This Spooky Town figurine takes losing your head to a whole new level. Sitting atop a coffin that may or may not contain his missing head, this headless fellow is accompanied by a cat and owl who don't seem to be doing much to help him find his missing head. Perhaps he is just taking a break from searching and is contemplating using the jack o' lantern he holds as his new head. After all, anything can happen in Spooky Town.

  • Approx. size (H x W x D)
    2.24 x 2.52 x 1.69 inches
    5.7 x 6.4 x 4.3 cm
  • Year Released: 2023
  • Made of: Resin
  • Product type: Figurines
  • Electrical: Non-Electrical
  • Village: Spooky Town